Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ongoing Momentum

Comcast Interactive Media had a visitor today. I work with a great team who implements the portal and Fancast. I introduced our visitor to the technical community in a town hall meeting in CIM City.

From CIM People

"In the context of web technology how many folks have heard of TAXI?" (perhaps one person)

"How many people have heard of AJAX?" (everyone)

"A couple of years ago I was working on AJAX application architectures and JavaScript debuggers with another Sun Senior Staff Engnineer, Roberto Chinnici (Java web services lead), and I asked him whether he subscribed to this distributed MVC implementation pattern which was cropping up or a more RESTful decoupled approach. Roberto indicated the latter because his design center was 'TAXI'. He referred me to 2001 article defining TAXI."

"The foundation of strong software/systems engineering is proven architectural patterns and style. However, prior to the arrival of these patterns comes thought leadership."

"If you want to be the best engineer you can be, discover who the thought leaders are. Subscribe to their philosophy (their thinking) and most importantly resemble them. The best way to resemble thought leaders is the know them. Make it a goal to meet him or her, go to a conference or business and get connected. Question them."

"Many of you know that I promote REST style architecture and assert ATOM as our design center for read+Write web resources; I recommend systems like GData as strong examples that our implementations resemble. What you may not know that I try hard to resemble Tim Bray."

"I am happy to introduce Tim Bray, Director of Web Technology at Sun Microsystems. Tim will lead a discussion on current trends in network computing. Welcome Tim!"

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